
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, 3d ed., Genève: J. L. Pellet, 1778-1779.
Plate I, "Fonderie en Caractères." Courtesy Princeton University Library

Members who wish to receive the Newsletter by postal mail should notify the Newsletter Editor, John H. O'Neill, either by E-Mail ( or by postal mail (John H. O'Neill, Department of English, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York 13323, USA). The Newsletter will be mailed only to members who have paid dues for the current fiscal year.

Newsletter No. 68

March, 2005
Open this newsletter as a .pdf file

NEASECS 2005: Fredericton, New Brunswick, September 30-October 2, 2005
The University of New Brunswick is proud to host the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, to be held from 30 September - 2 October, 2005 at the Delta Fredericton Hotel.

Women's diaries, a row of city shop fronts, midwifery practices, a coffee cup, a frock coat and treasured pincushions may seem discordant elements; but they represent different aspects of training, expectation and expression in eighteenth-century life. This era laid the foundation for modern life. Within seemingly mundane practices lie the cultural, social and economic patterns that define an age. Scholars have spent increasing energies discovering and deciphering these phenomena. An inter-disciplinary perspective is essential for a full elucidation of quotidian practices, and this conference addresses this need.

The 2005 Annual Meeting will be an exploration of the everyday. The conference organizing committee, in collaboration with the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (NEASECS), invites papers to address the eighteenth-century everyday from cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary perspectives.

The conference's keynote address will be delivered by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, James Duncan Phillips Professor of Early American History at Harvard University, who will be speaking about "Fictions in the Kitchen." Dr. Ulrich has won numerous awards for her scholarship, including the 1991 Pulitzer Prize for A Midwife's Tale: The Life of Martha Ballard Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812.

A number of events await the conference participants. On Friday there will be a reception at the conference's host hotel, the Delta Fredericton. Saturday's banquet will be a colonial-style New Brunswick feast, held at the King's Landing Historic Settlement, a historic village and interpretation centre on the banks of the majestic Saint John River. A social hour will beheld in the historic village at the King's Head Inn prior to the banquet. The conference co-chairs, Corey Slumkoski and Beverly Lemire, encourage all curricular activities, NEASECS 2005 will feature differential registration fees for all graduate students attending.

The conference welcomes papers in the study of literature, visual arts, music and history, cultural studies, women's studies, critical theory, as well as material culture studies, in any national or cultural context. Particularly welcome are papers exploring the need for, and the uses of, technology in the interpretation of the past. Proposals of 150 words, accompanied by a short CV, should be sent to:

Department of History
University of New Brunswick
P O Box 4400
Fredericton, NB, Canada E3B 5A3
Beverly Lemire:
Department of History and Classics,
2-28 Henry Marshall Tory Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2H4
You can also submit a proposal online. To use the NEASECS 2005 online submission form, go to The closing date for submissions is 15 April 2005. Members of the Society who have questions about the conference should contact either of the co-chairs.

NEASECS 2004: Burlington, Vermont, November 4-6, 2004
The 150 members who attended this yearÕs conference "enjoyed a weekend of collegiality and scholarship at the Sheraton Burlington Hotel and University of Vermont Conference Center. In addition to the 40 sessions and 2 round table discussions, we had plenary talks addressed the conference theme of "Borders and Crossings" in two very different, but also very intriguing "ways. Kari Winter, (American Studies, SUNY at Buffalo) spoke on the topic "Bordering Freedom but Unable to Cross into the Promised Land: Africans in Early Vermont." Nicholas Saul (German, the University of Durham) brought the conference to a close with another type of border crossing: "Morbid? Suicide, Freedom, Human Dignity and the German Romantic Yearning for Death."

Other special events included the opening-night reading and concert in the University of Vermont Recital Hall. Philip Baruth (English, University of Vermont) gave a presentation based on his novel in-progress on the Brothers Boswell, and David Neiweem (Music, University of Vermont) arranged a musical program on the theme of "Crossing to the Promised Land" featuring, among others, the UVM Catamount Singers. The Catamount Singers also performed at the four-course "Eighteenth-Century Banquet" in the North Lounge of the old Billings Library at UVM that employed recipes from NEASECS member Sandra Sherman's book Fresh from the Past: Recipes and Revelations from Moll Flanders' Kitchen. Those who could not attend the banquet had the chance to sample hors dÕoeuvres from this book at the Friday evening book-signing party and reception at the Sheraton.

Officers of the Society for 2004-2005
Beverly Lemire
University of Alberta
Past President
David Hensley
McGill University
First Vice President
Edward T. Larkin
University of New Hampshire
Second Vice President
Anna Battigelli
SUNY at Plattsburg
Editor of Newsletter (elected 1989)
John H. O'Neill
Hamilton College
Secretary-Treasurer (elected 2002)
Charlotte Craig
Rutgers University
2005 Program Committee Co-Chairs
Beverly Lemire
University of Alberta

Corey Slumkoski
University of New Brunswick
Elected Members of Executive Board: Elected Term Expires
Barbara Benedict
Trinity College (English)
2002 (2nd term) 2005
Arnd Bohm
Carleton University (German)
2004 2005
Christine Roulston
University of Western Ontario (French)
2002 2005
Nadine Bérenguier
University of New Hampshire (Romance Languages)
2003 2006
Sarah Cohen
SUNY at Albany (Art History)
2003 2006
Todd Gilman
Yale University (English)
2003 2006
Elizabeth Elbourne
McGill University (History)
2004 2007
Julia Marciari-Alexander
Yale University (Art History)
2004 2007
Katherine Quinsey
University of Windsor (English)
2004 (2nd term) 2007

Minutes of the NEASECS Business Meeting
November 6, 2004
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
Sheraton Conference Center

The Business Meeting was called to order by President David Hensley at 12:40 PM. An agenda for the Business Meeting was provided by the President. The minutes of the 2003 Business Meeting were approved as published in the Society's Newsletter of June, 2004.The report of the Nominating Committee was presented by Patricia Brückmann. The slate presented by the Committee consisted of the following:
President: Beverly Lemire (History, University of Alberta)
First Vice President: Edward Larkin (German, University of New Hampshire)
Second Vice President: Anna Battigelli (English, SUNY-Plattsburgh)
Past President: David Hensley (English, McGill University)
Executive Board:
Katherine Quinsey (English, University of Windsor) Ð Second Term

Arnd Bohm (German, Carleton University), replacing Edward Larkin in term expiring 2005

Elizabeth Elbourne (History, McGill University)

Julia Marciari-Alexander (Art History, Yale University)

Following the presentation, a recommendation for approval was made by Pat BrŸckmann, seconded by T.E.D.Braun, and approved by voice vote.

The NEASECS Treasurer's Report was presented by Charlotte Craig. The end of Fiscal Year balance of $23,976.91 was noted; the decision, for now, to hold the annual membership dues to $15.00 was stated; and the Federal TaxExemption for contributions to the Society by organizations and individuals restated. The approval of the TreasurerÕs Report was recommended by T.E.D Braun, seconded by Charles Knight, and approved by voice vote.

John OÕNeill presented the following Newsletter Editor's Report:

  • Although the Society's fiscal year begins on September 1, the Secretary-Treasurer will assume that anydues payment made after June 1 is intended to apply to the coming year (including the Annual Meeting)unless the member specifically asks otherwise. Payments made between September 1 and May 31 will be assumed to apply to the current year unless otherwise specified.
  • The current NEASECS Web site, generously provided by Jack Lynch, presents only general informationabout the Society. The Executive Board has requested that the Society create its own site. Hamilton College has agreed to host the site once it is developed. A request for a volunteer(s) to get this effortstarted was made and will be posted in the forthcoming Newsletter.
  • The future distribution of the NEASECS Newsletter will be made electronically; members wishing to have printed copies mailed to them will be required to make their request known to the Editor.
Beverly Lemire, the elected President for 2005, welcomed all of the participants to the 2005 NEASECS Annual Meeting site, the University of New Brunswick, at Fredericton, New Brunswick. The theme of the conference is "The Eighteenth-Century: Remembrance and Representation." It will be held at the Delta Fredericton Hotel, from 30 September to 5 October, 2005. The Call for Papers closing date is 15 April 2005.

David Hensley, outgoing President, expressed his thanks and appreciation to Pat Brückmann for her work on the Nominating Committee, to John OÕNeill for his assistance to the President and the Board, to Beverly Lemire for her acceptance of the responsibility for undertaking the 2005 conference, and to Dennis Mahoney for all of his work on the 2004 conference. He then asked Dennis Mahoney to speak to the attendees.

Dennis Mahoney, chair of the 2004 Annual Meeting, indicated that the conference was "a lot of work," but also a task that he encouraged Society members to undertake if they have not done so during their scholarly careers, either as Program Heads or as members of an organizing committee. He expressed his appreciation to the members of the 2004 Program Committee for their assistance, and to the staff of UVM Conference Services, helping him with the registration and administration.

He remarked how helpful it was to use the E-mail services for coordination with the respective participants and panelists. He was grateful and appreciative of the excellent quality of the papers presented.

Dennis stated he was looking forward to the 2005 conference (at which time he would be only a participant!).

He announced that the Edna Steeves Prize would be awarded at the following plenary session (Prize awarded to Michelle Styba, Harvard University, "Reading Authorial Intention in A Tale of a Tub").

Dennis announced the following graduate student recipients of the John O'Neill Bursaries:

  • Gabriele Wurmitzer, Duke University
  • Jessica Hollis, University of Kentucky
  • Leslie Wickes, McGill University
  • Anjili Babbar, University of Rochester
  • Victoria Warren, Binghamton University
  • Aya Tanaka, Rutgers University

Dennis closed with his expression of appreciation to one and all at the conference for their participation.The Business Meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:20.
Respectfully submitted,

Charlotte M. Craig

2003-2004 Treasurer's Report
The following report was submitted by Charlotte Craig, Secretary-Treasurer of the Society,and was accepted at the Business Meeting in Burlington, Vermont, on November 6, 2004.
(September 1, 2004)
Commercial Bank/Shore, N.A., Toms River, New Jersey 08754-8324
Beginning balance (September 1, 2002)
$ 27,103.51
Dues Received as of Sept 1, 2004
(Includes bad check charge recovered)
$ 3,012.00
Interest on Checking Account (2003/04 to Sept. 1, 2004) 36.82
Internal Revenue Service Application
Check Registration Book
Edna Steeves Prize
Advance: Sheraton Hotel, Burlington
NEASECS 2003 Payment Refunded to Program Chair
NEASECS Wine & Cheese Reception, Providence
J. H. O'Neill Bursaries (6)
Printing and Postage of Newsletter
Postage for Secretary-Treasurer Correspondence
Check Return Fee, etc.
$ 6,175.42

Closing Balance (September 1, 2003) $ 23,976.91

Summary Conclusions
Decrease in the net balance of $3,126.60, as of September 1, 2004, from the prior year, will be offset in part by the recovery of $1,000 paid to the 2004 organizer for a deposit on the conference hotel.
The current balance of $23,976.91 on account I believe is satisfactory for continuing operations in the 2004-05 year without increasing dues above the current amount of $15.00 per year. However, should the balance drop below the amount of $20,000 because of unforeseen circumstances, it may be necessary to revisit this matter next year.

Respectfully Submitted,

Charlotte M. Craig
NEASECS Secretary-Treasurer

Electronic Distribution of the NEASECS Newsletter
At the 2004 Annual Meeting, the Executive Board charged me, as editor of the SocietyÕs Newsletter, to arrange for its electronic distribution. Members of the Executive Board agreed that such electronic distribution would reduce substantially the cost of the Newsletter (currently between $1,000 and $1,200annually for two newsletters, or about 30% of the SocietyÕs annual expenditures) and would substantially reduce the problem of mailed copies that are returned because of incorrect or out-of-date addresses.
At the same time, the Board recognized that some members are unable to receive the Newsletter electronically. It was agreed that provision should be made for such members to continue to receive the Newsletter as a mailing.
I am working on proposals to establish a NEASECS web site at Hamilton College and will investigate the feasibility of (1) posting the Newsletter on the website; (2) making it possible for it to be downloaded as a PDF file; or preferably, both. I hope the new arrangement can begin with the next number of the Newsletter.
I ask each member to do one of the following:

  • First, if you are willing to receive the Newsletter on the web or as a PDFfile, please send me an E-Mail message at with your up-todate E-Mail address.
  • Second, if you prefer to continue to receive the Newsletter by postal mail, please send me a message (either by E-Mail or postal mail) specifying this preference and confirming your postal address.

Call for Submissions:
Studies in Performance in the Long Eighteenth Century: Theatre, Music, Dance

Series Editors: Jane Milling, University of Exeter and Kathryn Lowerre, Michigan State University
Focusing on performance culture during the long eighteenth century, this series offers studies in all types of cultural performance including theatre, opera,dance, musical performance, and popular entertainments. It is a forum for interdisciplinary work, drawing the debates of historians and musicologists as well as literary, dance, theatre and opera scholars into a creative symbiosis.
The editors welcome studies which are concerned with British, European, and early American cultural history. Studies that concern themselves with theoretical questions surrounding acts of performance during this period are also welcome.
This series offers an invigorating venue for histories of theatre, music,dance, and opera, which concentrate on aspects of performance; performers, impresarios, venues, movements, modes of performance.
Proposals should take the form of either (1) a preliminary letter of inquiry, briefly describing the project; or (2) a formal prospectus including abstract, table of contents, sample chapter, estimate of length, estimate of the number and type of illustrations to be included, and a c.v.
Please send three copies of either type of proposal (one to each of the series editors and one to the publisher) to the addresses below:

Dr. Jane Milling
Department of Drama
School of Performance Arts
New North Road
Exeter EX4 4LA UK

Dr. Kathryn Lowerre
School of Music
Michigan State University
East Lansing MI 48824-1043 USA

Erika Gaffney, Editor
Ashgate Publishing Company
101 Cherry Street, Suite 420
Burlington, VT 05401-4405 USA

News of Members
Barbara Benedict (English, TrinityCollege) has published a lot lately! Among her fairly recent publications are "Readers, Writers, Reviewers, and the Professionalization of Literature" in the Cambridge Companion to English Literature 1740-1830, ed. John Mee and Tom Keymer (Cambridge, 2004); "The Mad Scientist: The Creation of a Literary Stereotype" in Science and the Imagination, ed. Kevin Cope (AMS Press, 2004); "Wants and Goods: Advertisement and Desire in Haywood and Defoe" in SECC 2004, ed. Catherine Ingrassia and Jeffrey S. Ravel; "The Paradox of the Anthology: Collecting and Differénce in Eighteenth-Century Britain" in New Literary History 34:2 (Spring, 2003). She has given an invited lecture, "Daring to Laugh: Austen and Literary Jokes," at the "Daring Women, 1660-1830" Conference at the Noel Memorial Library in Shreveport, LA, March, 2004; she has presented "Self-Representations: Advertisement and Uncertainty in Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey" at the MLA annual meeting in San Diego in December, 2003; and she is concluding her editing of Northanger Abbey for Cambridge University Press's Scholarly 9-volume edition of Austen's complete works, to be published in 2005.
Catherine Labio (Comparative Literature and French, Yale) has published "Reading by the Gold and Black Clock,or the Recasting of Bernardin de Saint Pierre's Paul et Virginie" in Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 16 (July, 2004).
At the 2003 NEASECS Annual Meeting in Providence,John L. Mahoney(English, Boston College) delivered a lecture entitled "Walter Jackson Bate: The Humanist as Teacher/Scholar." This lecture has now been published in Religion and the Arts 8:1 (2004). Professor MahoneyÕs Wordsworth Memorial Lecture of1993, "Wordsworth: Religious Experience and Religious Practice," has recently been published by Rydal Church, Wordsworth's church in the Lake District.
Sylvia Kasey Marks (English, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY) has published Writing for the Rising Generation:British Fiction for Young People 1672-1839 (University of Victoria, 2003).
Mary Ann O'Donnell(English/Dean of Arts, Manhattan College) has recently published the second edition of AphraBehn: An Annotated Bibliography of and Secondary Sources (Ashgate, 2004).
Deborah Ross (English, Hawaii Pacific University) has published "Escape from Wonderland: Disney and the Female Imagination" in Marvels and Tales (April, 2004).
Rose Zimbardo (English, Universityof San Francisco) has published Understanding The Lord of the Rings (Houghton Mifflin, 2004). Professor Zimbardo chaired the 2004 annual meeting of the Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies at the University of San Francisco.

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