
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, 3d ed., Genève: J. L. Pellet, 1778-1779.
Plate I, "Fonderie en Caractères." Courtesy Princeton University Library

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Newsletter No. 72                                                                                              July, 2007

NEASECS 2007:  Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, Oct 25-28, 2007

The 2007 regional meeting will be held at Dartmouth College on the theme of Transatlantic Destinies. The theme memorializes the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade, while also acknowledging all aspects of the transformation of the transatlantic social sphere, including European exploration and native resistance, and the increasingly unified circulation of culture and capital across the largest natural trade routes known up to this point.

The two plenary speakers are in keeping with the theme. Madge Dresser, University of the West of England, Bristol, has served as historical consultant to the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery exhibition on "Bristol and the Transatlantic Slave Trade." She has published Slavery Obscured: The Social History of the Slave Trade in an English Provincial Port, and will speak on "Slavery and Public Monuments." Caryl Phillips, the well-known British and Caribbean Author, will be reading from the Francis Barber section of his new novel, Foreigners, to be published in September, 2007.

Transatlantic Destinies is presented in conjunction with the Humanities Institute conference, "No Laughing Matter: Visual Humor in Ideas of Race, Nationality and Ethnicity." During the reception for both conferences on Friday afternoon at the spectacular Kim Gallery of the Hood Museum, informal docent tours will be offered by the organizers of "No Laughing Matter."

The treasures of Dartmouth College-s Rauner Special Collections Library will be on display throughout the conference, including some little-known first editions of Pope-s Essay on Man, as well as documents charting Dartmouth-s founding in 1769.

More complete information will be found on the conference website:

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Philosophy of Adam Smith:

A conference to commemorate the 250th anniversary of The Theory of Moral Sentiments will be held January 6-8, 2009, at Balliol College, Oxford. The conference is organized by the International Adam Smith Society and The Adam Smith Review .

Although Adam Smith is better known now for his economics, in his own time it was his first book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759), that established his reputation. Just as scholarly work on Smith has challenged the free market appropriation of Smith's Wealth of Nations , so it has also come to appreciate the importance of Smith's moral philosophy for his overall intellectual project. This conference, to be held at the college Smith himself attended from 1740-46, and at the beginning of the year marking the 250th anniversary of the publication of The Theory of Moral Sentiments , will provide an opportunity to re-evaluate the significance of Smith's moral philosophy and moral psychology, the relationship between them and his other writings on economics, politics, jurisprudence, history, and rhetoric and belles lettres, and the relevance of his thought to current research in these areas. Papers on any of these topics, and from any discipline, are welcome.

Please send detailed abstracts (500-800 words) prepared for blind review by September 15, 2007 to Samuel Fleischacker, Philosophy Department (M/C 267), 601 South Morgan Street, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607-7114 USA; or email them (as attachments, prepared for blind review) to:

Participants will be notified that their proposals have been accepted for the conference by December 1, 2007.

Call for Submissions: "The Irish Question"

The Radical History Review seeks submissions for an issue that will explore the intellectual, historical and political implications of the "Irish Question" over the past eight centuries. We depart from the premise that the national question and its resolution (or not) in Ireland is not only a major topic in Irish and British Imperial history, but one with fundamental implications for the evolution of the modern world, and the histories of colonialism and postcolonialism. We envision contributions focused on Ireland, first as a colony and then partitioned into two states after 1922, and the attendant "Irish diaspora" in England, Canada, the United States, and beyond. However, the editors do not assume that the Irish Question is restricted to people of Irish descent or the countries they inhabit: we are equally interested in the relationship of Ireland's national struggle to Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Though the RHR continues to publish monographic articles, it also invites Reflections, Interventions, roundtables, interviews, and reviews that go beyond books to look at popular historical representations, whether visual, cinematic, or textual. Potential contributors are encouraged to look at recent issues for examples of these non-traditional forms of scholarship. Submissions are due by March 15, 2008 and should be submitted electronically, as an attachment, to with "Issue 104 submission" in the subject line. For artwork, please send images as high resolution digital files (each image as a separate file). For preliminary e-mail inquiries, please include "Issue 104" in the subject line. Those articles selected for publication after the peer review process will be included in issue 104 of the Radical History Review, scheduled to appear in Spring 2009.

Call for Papers: "Evidence of Reading, Reading the Evidence"

A major international conference to be held at the Institute of English Studies, University of London, 21-23 July 2008, organized by the Open University and the Institute of English Studies

Keynote speakers: Kate Flint, Jonathan Rose, David Vincent

Studies centered on the history of reading have proliferated in the last twenty years. They have sprung from several different disciplines, encompassed different periods and geographical locations and chosen divergent methodologies, but their common quest has been to recover and understand the traces of a prac­tice that is central to our understanding of human history, yet notoriously elusive.

One such approach is The Reading Experience Database 1450-1945 (RED), a project run by the Open University and the University of London. While RED is already proving its worth as a digital resource, its methodological parameters are necessarily limited and its vision therefore partial. What is needed in order for the study of the history of reading to progress beyond the boundaries of specific institutions, disciplines, methodologies, geographical locations and time periods is a forum in which as many diverse approaches as possible are brought into energetic debate.

This major 3-day conference, the first of its type, seeks to provide such a forum. We invite 20-minute papers from international students and scholars of any discipline -- both within and outside the Humanities -- who are interested in the history and practice of reading in any period or geographical location.

Paper titles, abstracts of no more than 300 words and short biographies should be sent electronically by 31 January 2008 to all three organizers:

Dr Shaf Towheed (;
Dr Rosalind Crone (;
Dr Katie Halsey (

 News of Members

Lisa Berglund (English,   Buffalo State College), has been elected Executive Secretary of the Dictionary Society of North America.

Arnd Bohm (German, Carleton University) is the author of Goethe's Faust and European Epic: Forgetting the Future (Camden House, 2007); and of "Naming Goethe's Faust: A Matter of Significance." Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 80.3 (2006).

Martha Bowden (English, Kennesaw State University) has published Yorick's Congregation: The Church of England in the Time of Laurence Sterne (University of Delaware, 2007).

Kevin Cope (English and Comparative Literature, Louisiana State University) has published two new books, both with AMS Press: In and After the Beginning: Inaugural Moments and Literary Institutions in the Long Eighteenth Century and Above the Age of Reason: Miracles and Wonders in the Long Eighteenth Century, a set of four treatises with extensive commentary and annotation.

Charlotte Craig (German, Rutgers) and her husband, Bob Craig (Independent Scholar) presented papers at NEASECS, Salem, Massachusetts; at the conference of the BSECS (British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) at Oxford in January 2007; at the ASECS conference in Atlanta, and will present papers at the ISECS meeting at Montpellier, France, next summer. Professor Craig has also published a chapter, "The Doctor," in Friedrich Schiller: Playwright, Poet, Philosopher, Historian, ed. Paul E. Kerry (Peter Lang, 2007)

T. E. D. Braun (French, University of Delaware, Emeritus) has published Lumières voilées, OEuvres choisies d'un magistrat chrétien du XVIIIe siècle. Textes de Le Franc de Pompignan, edited by Theodore E. D. Braun and Guillaume Robichez, SaintÉtienne, Publications de l'Université de SaintÉtienne, Se'rie "Lire le dix-huitième siècle," 2007. Professor Braun was an invited speaker at the Colloque Le Franc de Pompignan held in September 2006 in Toulouse, Montauban and Pompignan.

Robert Frail (French, Centenary College) is the author of A Singular Duality: Literary Relations between France and England in the Eighteenth Century (AMS Press); of Realism in Samuel Richardson and the Abbe Prevost (Edwin Mellen Press, 2005), and of a novel, Fringe Dwellers (Dorrance Publishing, 2006).

After being a guest lecturer at Yale University for a year and receiving her Ph.D. in French Literature from Columbia University in 2005, Zeina Hakim accepted a position as an "assistante" in the French Department of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on 18th century literature. Her doctoral dissertation explored the formal techniques and aesthetic implications of "make-believe" in 18th-century French memoir-novels and she has published articles on Diderot, literature and the visual arts and women-s studies. She is currently working on a book-length manuscript that focuses on the poetics of fiction in early 18th-century French novels and some of her recent papers have been accepted in Cahiers Isabelle de Charrière, Dix-Huitième Siècle, Studies on Voltaire and in the MLA series "Approaches to Teaching World Literature."

Jocelyn Harris, University of Otago, New Zealand, published "Domestic Virtues and National Importance: Lord Nelson, Captain Wentworth, and the English Napoleonic War Hero" in Eighteenth-Century Fiction 19: 1-2 (Fall-Winter, 2006-7), 181-205. Her new book about Jane Austen, A Revolution Almost Beyond Expression: Jane Austen's "Persuasion" is in press with the University of Delaware. She co-edited, with Lisa Zunshine, Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Samuel Richardson (MLA, 2006), which includes her essay: "Clarissa Lives!" Reading Richardson through Rewritings." In 2006, New Windows on a Woman's World: Essays in Honour of Jocelyn Harris (2 vols.), was published by the English Department, University of Otago. She will be a plenary speaker at the annual conference of the Jane Austen Society of North America in Vancouver, 2007, speaking on "Jane Austen, Jane Fairfax, and Jane Eyre." She organized, with Shef Rogers, Paul Tankard, and Tom McLean, the 13th David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies, held at the University of Otago, 13-17 April, 2007. The seminar attracted speakers from all round the world. Peter Knox-Shaw, Felicity Nussbaum, Ruth Perry and David Porter delivered the plenary addresses.

Jeffrey High (German, California State University at Long Beach) has recently published the articles "Friedrich Schiller, The Author of Literary Prose," in the volume Friedrich Schiller: Playwright, Poet, Philosopher, Historian , (Peter Lang, 2007) and "Schiller, National Wars for Independence, and 'merely political' Revolutions," in: Schiller, National Poet - Poet of Nations , (Rodopi, 2006), as well articles on Schiller's "Wallenstein" and "The Criminal of Lost Honor," and Heinrich von Kleist's "The Beggar Woman of Locarno" for The Literary Encyclopedia . He will once again co-direct the German Summer School of the University of New Mexico in 2007 in consortium with California State.

Catherine Labio (French, Yale University) has published "The Solution Is in the Text: A Survey of the Recent Literary Turn in Adam Smith Studies" in The Adam Smith Review (vol. 2, October 2006). She has lectured on visual and verbal representations of financial speculation in early eighteenth-century Europe at NEASECS' annual meeting, at a colloquium on "The Netherlandish Seventeenth Century and Its Afterlives" held at Duke University; at a conference on "The Language of Images" held at Central Connecticut State University; and at Yale University's "Transitions to Modernity" colloquium.

Mary K. Lindberg (Art and Literature, Independent Scholar) has published "Goya's Portrait of Ferrer" in the Beloit Poetry Journal , 57:1 (Fall, 2006). Her poetry chapbook entitled The Tang of Glue was published in 2006 by Puddinghouse.

Amber Ludwig, (Ph.D. candidate, Boston University) is at work on her dissertation entitled "-She is all Nature and yet all Art-: Portraits of Emma Hamilton."

Mira Morgenstern (Political Science, CUNY) will present a paper this summer at the ISECS meeting in Montpelier on a about Rousseau's Lévite d'Ephraïm . Professor Morgenstern will also be speaking on Rousseau's paradoxes at the meeting of the American Political Science Association in Chicago in August, as well as at the NEASECS meeting at Dartmouth this fall. At the 2008 ASECS in Portland, she will chair a panel on "Reading the Bible in the 18th century."

Sean D. Moore (English, University of New Hampshire) has an essay, "Devouring Posterity," forthcoming in the next issue of PMLA and is working on an essay for the forthcoming Oxford University Press collection The Postcolonial Enlightenment.

John C. O'Neal (French, Hamilton College, and First Vice President of NEASECS) was recently promoted from the rank of chevalier to officier in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques. This order, which dates from 1808, in the Napoleonic era, recognizes contributions in the arts and sciences. Professor O'Neal was commended for his "services rendered to French culture."

At the David Nichol Smith symposium at Otago University, New Zealand in April, 2007, Ruth Perry (English, M.I.T.) presented a plenary lecture on eighteenth-century Scottish song culture. She has edited a special double edition of The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation (47:2-3) devoted to this topic and containing an essay by Professor Perry: "Brother Trouble: Murder and Incest in Eighteenth-Century Ballads." She has also published an essay "Kinship in Clarissa," in Approaches to Teaching the Novels of Samuel Richardson (MLA, 2006).

Adam Potkay (English, William and Mary) will have two new books published this fall: The Story of Joy from the Bible to Late Romanticism (Cambridge University Press) and a new edition of Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews (Longman).

Kirby Don Richards (German, Independent Scholar) published his new translation of a work by Johannes Kelpius, A Method of Prayer. A Mystical Pamphlet from Colonial America (Schuylkill Wordsmiths, 2006). Meanwhile, he has a received a one-month fellowship through the German Historical Institute and the German Society of Pennsylvania to broaden his studies of this topic. Dr. Richards will conduct research at the German Society's Horner Library and other area libraries on German mysticism in colonial Pennsylvania.

Wendy Wassyng Roworth (Art and Art History, University of Rhode Island) has published "Angelica in Love: Gossip, Rumor, Romance, and Scandal," (Angelica in Love: Klatsch, Gerüchte, Liebe und Skandal) in the catalog for the exhibition Angelica Kauffman: ein Weib von ungeheurem Talent at the Vorarlberger Landesmuseum in Bregenz, Austria (June 14 - November 5, 2007). The catalogue is published in both German and English editions, Angelica Kauffman: A Woman of Immense Talent (Hatje Cantz, 2007).

Deborah Ross (English, Hawaii Pacific University) is the author of "The Haunted Piano," a work of creative nonfiction, forthcoming in the Connecticut Review.

Nancy Lusignan Schultz (English, Salem State College) has been elected Chairperson of the Salem State College (Massachusetts) English Department. Her three-year term begins July 1, 2007.

Eric Seeman (History, SUNY at Buffalo) has published, with Jorge Cañzares-Esguerra, The Atlantic in Global History, 1500-2000 (Prentice-Hall, 2007).

A Literary History of Women's Writing in Britain, 1660-1789, by Susan Staves(English, Brandeis) has been published by Cambridge University Press (2006). With support from the Mellon Foundation, Professor Staves has begun work on a new book on the rhetoric and theory of rights in the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century British empire.

Zabelle Stodola (English University of Arkansas at Little Rock), who publishes as Kathryn Zabelle Derounian-Stodola, has a book forthcoming from the University of Nebraska Press titled The War In Words: Reading the Dakota Conflict Through the Captivity Literature.

Jennifer Thorn (English, Colby College) is the author of 'All beautiful in woe: gender, nation, and Phillis Wheatley's 'Niobe,'" forthcoming in Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture; and of "Beyond Representation: Two Stages of Teaching the Transatlantic Eighteenth Century," forthcoming in Teaching the Transatlantic, a collection to be published by Cambridge Scholars Press. Professor Thorn's current project is a book-length study entitled Phyllis Wheatley, Gender, and Grief.

Randolph Trumbach (History, CUNY) has published "Blackmail for Sodomy in 18th-Century London" in Historical Reflections/ Réflexions Historiques, 33.1 (2007); and two articles, "Renaissance Sodomy, 1500-1700," and "Modern Sodomy: The Origins of Homosexuality, 1700-1800," in A Gay History of Britain: Love and Sex Between Men Since the Middle Ages (Greenwood World Publishing, 2007.

Gina Walker (Social Sciences, The New School) reports that her book Mary Hays (1759-1843): The Growth of a Woman's Mind, was published by Ashgate in late 2006. Rational Passions: Women and Scholarship in Britain 1702-1870, A Reader, that Professor Walker is co-editing with Felicia Gordon, will be published by Broadview Press in early 2008.

Lisa Zunshine (English, University of Kentucky) has been awarded one of only four new Guggenheim Fellowships in literary criticism. She will spend a year as a visiting scholar at Yale University working with psychologist Paul Bloom. Professor Zunshine will do research on the application to fiction of the theory of mind, a concept in cognitive psychology. She explored this topic in her recent book, Why We Read Fiction: Theory of Mind and the Novel (Ohio State University Press, 2006). Professor Zunshine's next book is Fictions of Transparency: Cognitive Science and Literary Interpretations.

2005-2006 Treasurer's Report
The following report was submitted by Nancy E. Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer of the Society, and was accepted at the Business Meeting in Salem, Massachusetts, November 11, 2006.

(September 1, 2006)

Rondout Savings Bank, 330 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401
Checking Account # 0601 13219 9 CD Account # 0102217579
CD Account # 0102217579
Beginning balance of Total Funds (September 1, 2004) $ 23,976.91
Beginning Balance, Checking Acct. $15,021.57
   Dues Received to September 1, 2006 (36) 2,175.00
   Interest to September 1, 2006 30.46
   Conference Surplus
(New Brunswick, 2005)
Sub-Total: $6,673.16

   Edna Steeves Prize for 2004 $ 300.00
   John H. O'Neill Bursaries for 2004 (six) 1,500.00
   Check Order (Commerce Bank) 14.25
   Photocopying 3.75
   Website (Design, Maint. & Reg.) 719.80
   Check Order (Rondout Savings) 22.35
   Deposit Slips (Rondout Savings) 6.75
   Postage 10.28
   Loan (seed money) 2,000.00
   Newsletter Printing 69.08
   Bank fee 15.00
Sub-Total $4,661.26

Net Total (September 1, 2005)
$ 17,033.47

CLOSING BALANCE (Checking account)
$ 17,033.47

Beginning Balance, CD Acct.
     Interest at Maturity

Total NEASECS Funds on Account


Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Johnson

Minutes of the NEASECS Business Meeting
November 11, 2006
Hawthorne Hotel
Salem State College, Salem, Massachusetts

President Edward Larkin called the NEASECS Business Meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
  1. President Larkin spoke about the strength of NEASECS—how it fosters collaborative work, camaraderie, and friendships—and asked us all to continue our commitment to this organization.
  2. The minutes from the October 1, 2005 meeting were approved.
  3. President Larkin expressed his appreciation to Christopher Fauske, Elizabeth Blood, and their team, for their excellent work organizing the conference at Salem State.
  4. President Larkin presented the new slate of officers and the new Executive Board members:
  5. Anna Battigelli (English, SUNY at Plattsburg), President
    John O'Neal (French, Hamilton College), First Vice-President
    John T. Scanlan, (English, Providence College), Second Vice-President
         Julie Hayes (French, University of Massachusetts), Board Member
         Erik Seeman (History, SUNY at Buffalo), Board Member
         Catherine Gallouet (French, Hobart & William Smith), Board Member All of the new officers and board members were approved.
  6. Secretary-Treasurer Nancy Johnson presented the Treasurer's Report. President Larkin thanked the conference organizers from New Brunswick (2005) for their conference surplus. The report was approved.
  7. John Scanlan presented the Edna Steeves Prize to Emily King of Tufts University. Speaking for the committee, John complimented Ms. King on her skillful control of secondary material, her sensitivity to the context of Richardson's religious sympathies, and, finally, her graceful writing. John also noted the high quality of the papers they reviewed for the prize.
  8. John O'Neill presented the O'Neill Bursaries (in the amount of $250) to the following students:
         Jennifer Moore, University of Limerick
         Jessica Crabill, University of Rochester
         Aya Tanaka, Rutgers University
         Jessica Lanier, Bard Graduate Center
         Elizabeth Kimball, Temple University
  9. President Larkin announced the sites of future NEASECS meetings.

    2007: The meeting for 2007 will be held at Dartmouth College, Oct. 25-28. In acknowledgement of the 200-year anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade, the theme is "Transatlantic Destinies: Connections and Disconnections Across the Atlantic Seaboard in the Eighteenth Century." The plenary speaker will be Madge Dresser, from the School of History, University of the West of England, Bristol. The call for papers is already circulating. The website is

    2008: The meeting for 2008 will be held in Geneva, NY, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, sponsored by Hobart and Smith Colleges. 2009: The meeting for 2009 will be a joint venture with CSECS (Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies), hosted by Frans de Bruyn of the University of Ottawa.

  10. Heather Macpherson reminded everyone about the upcoming ASECS conference, March 22-25, 2006, in Atlanta, GA.
  11. Anna Battigelli, the new President, thanked Edward Larkin, now Past-President, for his devoted service to NEASECS.
The meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Johnson

Officers of the Society for 2005-2006
Anna Battigelli
SUNY at Plattsburg
Past President
Edward T. Larkin
University of New Hampshire
(German) Beverly Lemire
University of Alberta
First Vice President
John C. O'Neal
Hamilton College
Second Vice President
J. T. Scanlon
Providence College
Editor of Newsletter (elected 1989)
John H. O'Neill
Hamilton College
Secretary-Treasurer (elected 2005)
Nancy E. Johnson
SUNY at New Paltz
2007 Program Committee Chair
Peter Cosgrove
Dartmouth College

Elected Members of Executive Board: Elected Term Expires
Elizabeth Elbourne
McGill University (History)
2004 2007
Casandra Albinson
Yale Center for British Art (Art History)
2004 2007
Katherine Quinsey
University of Windsor (English)
2004 (2nd term) 2007
Arnd Bohm
Carleton University (German)
2005 2008
Dennis Mahoney
University of Vermont (German)
2005 2008
Michael Suarez, S.J.
Fordham University (English)
2005 2008
Julie Hayes
University of Massachusetts (French)
2006 2009
Erik Seeman
SUNY at Buffalo (History)
2006 2009
Catherine Gallouet
Hobart & William Smith Colleges (French)
2006 2009









(Queries and notes also welcome)
Please provide Name, Discipline and Affiliation, Recently published books, articles, etc. (please include bibliographic information)
Return to John H. O'Neill, Department of English, Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Road, Clinton, New York 13323-1292. Or reply by E-Mail to

Online Archive of Newsletters
October 2006 - View as .pdf
January 2006 - View as .pdf
September 2005 - View as .pdf
March 2005 - View as .pdf