
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et des Métiers, 3d ed., Genève: J. L. Pellet, 1778-1779.
Plate I, "Fonderie en Caractères." Courtesy Princeton University Library

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Newsletter No. 73                                                                                              June, 2008

NEASECS 2008:  Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York, October 29- November 2

Hobart and William Smith colleges, situated in the heart of New York Finger Lakes region, will host the 2008 NEASECS meeting from October 29 to November 2. The theme of this year's conference is "Ambivalence in the Eighteenth Century."

Scholars from Europe and North America will examine ambivalence as it appears in a broad range of sources and discourses. In keeping with the interdisciplinary tradition of Hobart and William Smith colleges, the conference will present a broad array of panels ranging from Art History to German and English, American Studies to Music, French and Cultural Studies.

Alan Taylor, professor of History at the University of California at Davis, will be one of the two plenary speakers. He is the author of five books: Liberty Men and Great Proprietors: The Revolutionary Settlement on the Maine Frontier, 1760-1820 (1990); American Colonies (2001); Writing Early American History (2005); and The Divided Ground (2006), and Wiliam Cooper's Town: Power and Persuasion on the Frontier of the Early Republic, (Knopf, 1995) recipient of the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for American history.

Alan Taylor's talk will address Revolution and Counter-Revolution in the Northern Borderland.

Our other plenary speaker will be Julia V. Douthwaite, professor of French and assistant provost for International Studies at Notre Dame University.

She is author of The Wild Girl, Natural Man and the Monster: Dangerous Experiments in the Age of Enlight-enment (University of Chicago Press, 2002); and Exotic Women: Literary Heroines and Cultural Strategies in Ancien Regime France (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992). She is coeditor of three volumes of theoretical and applied studies on the eighteenth century, and has received fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Lilly Endowment.

Julia Douthwaite's talk is titled "Engendering Displacement, or How the 1789 Women's March on Versailles Left its Imprint on French Literature."

The conference will take place at the Ramada Inn in downtown Geneva, on the shores of Seneca lake, and minutes away from Hobart and William Smith campus. The conference receptions will feature tasting of wines produced on the shores of Seneca Lake. A wine tour will be proposed to conference participants.

More information about the 2008 Annual Meeting is available on the conference's web site at this URL:

NEASECS 2009:  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, November 5-8, 2009

Frans De Bruyn, chair of the Society's 2009 Annual Meeting, reports on plans for the meeting.

The 2009 annual NEASECS conference will be held jointly with CSECS in Ottawa, Canada, on November 5-8, 2009. The Ottawa planning committee has been drawing up plans for the conference theme. A fuller explanation of these plans will soon be posted on the conference web site.


  • La Guerre de Sept Ans: premiére guerre mondiale /The Seven Years' War: The First Global Conflict
  • Faire la guerre au XVIIIe siécle. Pratiques et représentations / Waging War in the Eighteenth Century: Practices and Representations
  • Anglo-French Relations in the Eighteenth Century: Cultural Emulations and Imperial Rivalries / Les relations franco-anglaises au dix-huitiéme siécle. Concurrence des cultures et rivalité des empires

The eighteenth century has sometimes been called the second Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, with epic conflicts between the two nations marking the beginning, middle, and end of the century. Implacable military, commercial, and political rivals, the two countries nonetheless admired, emulated, and often imitated each other's cultural and intellectual achievements. On the 250th anniversary of the pivotal year, 1759, in the Seven Years' War, known also to Americans as the French and Indian War, a joint meeting of the Canadian and Northeast American Societies for Eighteenth-Century Studies (CSECS and NEASECS) offers an ideal forum to explore this complex and difficult relationship in its many facets. (As is customary in the inter-disciplinary traditions of both Societies, panels and papers on other topics in eighteenth-century studies are also welcome at the conference.)

Call for Papers: SEASECS 2009, Charlotte, North Carolina

Winthrop University will host the next SEASECS Conference, March 6-8, 2009. Held in the middle of the second largest banking center in the United States, next year's conference will naturally explore all subjects related to the interrelationship between artistic, cultural, economic, and commercial progressions (and regressions) during the long eighteenth century. We will also welcome topics that seek to unveil the various alterations or "tricks" within specific literary genres or modes of entertainment during the same period. Of course, this theme is only a suggestion, and we cordially invite papers and panels that address all types of subject areas, including art, drama, printing, music, history, religion, race, and gender, etc. Plenaries will include a presentation by Pat Rogers as well as a Baroque music and dance performance by Barry Bauguess, John O'Brien, and Paige Whitley-Bauguess.

The submission deadline for all session proposals is September 1, 2008. The submission deadline for all paper proposals is November 1, 2008.

Please send your brief abstract to program chair, Dr. Dan Ennis at Snail mail submissions may be sent to Dr. Dan Ennis, Department of English, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, SC, 29528. Be sure to include your contact information.

Call for Papers: Germaine de Staël Today

The Germaine de Staël Society for Revolutionary and Romantic Studies enthusiastically solicits your participation in the international symposium scheduled for May 8-10, 2009 at Washington University in St. Louis: Germaine de Staël Today: Currents and Cross-Currents. The event comes on the 20th anniversary of the first international congress on Staël in America, held at Rutgers University: "Germaine de Staël: Crossing the Borders." That conference, devoted entirely to the works of this early multiculturalist exiled from her native France by Napoleon, has resulted in an impressive number of studies in various disciplines: women's studies, history, art, music, political science, pedagogy, language theory, and translation, among many others. These contributions testify to the sustained interest in Staël's thought and to the magnitude of her influence on her era and our own modernity. It's time to survey the work of twenty years done in this field and to examine new paradigms for Staël studies in the 21st century.

Proposals written in French or English must be received by October 1, 2008. In addition to the traditional format of presentation (20-minute papers) more innovative formats are encouraged (i.e. round table discussions or performances). The participation of scholars both from abroad and from diverse fields promises a conference of exceptional scope. The event will take place on the Washington University campus, and participants will be lodged at the Knight Center because of its convenient campus location and proximity to the Saint Louis's rich French heritage.

For more information, contact the conference directors: Karyna Szmurlo (French, Clemson University):; and Tili Boon Cuillé (French, Washington University):

 News of Members

J. M. Armistead (English, Tennessee Technological University), was appointed Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at the university in January 2008 after having served in that capacity since July 2007.

Thomas F. Bonnell (English, St. Mary's College) has published The Most Disreputable Trade: Publishing the Classics of English Poetry 1765- 1810 (Oxford University Press, 2008).

Chris Fauske (English, Salem State College) is now interim dean of the School of Arts and Sciences at Salem State College. His translation into English of the classic Norwegian novel Skipper Worse has recently been published by Cross-Cultural Communications, and Money, Power, and Print: Essays on the Financial Revolution in the British Isles, which he coedited with Charles Ivar McGrath, will be published later this year by the University of Delaware Press.

Alden Gordon (Gwendolyn Miles Smith Professor of Art History, Trinity College) has been awarded an Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in the Department of European Painting at the Metropolitan Museum for 2008-9 to complete the manuscript "The Marquis de Marigny, Directeur des Bâtiments du Roi: Art Patron in the Enlightenment." His essay "Madame de Pompadour as a Art Patron," will appear in the exhibition catalog French Painting in the Age of madame de Pompadour (FRAME Museums, Paris, Somogy, 2008) that will be shown at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours (France) opening in October, 2008 and at The Portland Museum of Fine Arts (Oregon) opening in February, 2009. Two other recent essays appeared in collections of papers from conferences: "Subverting the 'Secret' of Herculaneum: Archaeological Espionage in the Kingdom of Naples," Antiquity Recovered: The Legacy of Pompeii and Herculaneum, eds. Victoria Gardner Coates and Jon Seydl, (J. Paul Getty Museum, 2007); and "The System Governing Appraised Value in Ancien Régime France" in Auctions, Agents and Dealers: The Mechanisms of the Art Market 1660-1830, ['Studies in the History of Collections,' Beazley Archive/Ashmolean Museum], Oxford, Archaeopress, 2007.

Dustin Griffin (English, New York University)has edited The Writings of Walter Burley Griffin for Cambridge University Press. W. B. Griffin was an early twentieth century "Chicago school" architect.

Vasiliki Grigoropoulou (Philosophy, University of Athens) has published "Thinking Self and Person in Descartes," Ypomnema, 7, special issue on Rationalism, (Polis, 2008); "Radical Enlightenment and Consciousness. The Politics of Method in Spinoza," in Theory, Values and Critique (Polis, 2008); "Science and Values in Hobbes," Axiologika, Special Issue on Hobbes, Sovereignty and Normativity (Nisos, 2007); and "Personal Identity and Consciousness in Locke" (Isopoliteia, 2005-6). Professor Grigoropoulou is also the co-translator and the editor of a Greek edition of Rousseau's Du Contrat Social (Polis, 2005).

Zeina Hakim has been appointed assistant professor of French at Tufts University, beginning fall 2008. She will leave her position at the University of Geneva to move to Boston.

A selection of papers presented at the 13th David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth Century Studies at the University of Otago, 2007, edited by Shef Rogers and Jocelyn Harris, is now available in Eighteenth-Century Life.

Susan Howard (English, Duquesne University) has edited Euphemia, by Charlotte Lennox (Broadview Press, 2008).

Deborah Kennedy (English, Saint Mary's University) has published "Englishwomen and Napoleon Bonaparte" in Women against Napoleon (Campus Verlag and Chicago University Press, 2007); and "Looking for You: Patti Smith, God, and Rock and Roll," in Singing for Themselves (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007).

Mira Morgenstern, (Political Science, CUNY), has published "Strangeness, Violence, and the Establishment of Nationhood in Rousseau" in Eighteenth-Century Studies (Spring, 2008).

Janet Mullen (History, University of New Brunswick), defended her PhD dissertation and was 'hooded' at the university's Encaenia on May 29. Her dissertation title is "Private Passion, Public Order: Gaming, Gender and the Middle Classes in Eighteenth-century England."

Maureen E. Mulvihill (Princeton Research Forum, NJ) recently concluded her four-year engagement as Advisory Editor of Ireland & The Americas, 3 vols (Santa Barbara, CA; Oxford UK: ABC-Clio, Feb 08), to which she contributed essays, with portrait photos, on Mary Robinson, Sir Michael Smurfit KBE, and Donald Keough, all of whom she interviewed. She taught Shakespeare and also Global Literature at St John's University (2005-07) and also a course at NYU (Fall 07) on the role of the Irish, Jewish, and African diasporas in the formation of early NYC, with guest speaker and class visitations to historical sites. In April 08, she spoke at the first James Johnson Sweeney Conference (Jackson Pollock-Lee Krasner Foundation / SUNY-Stony Brook) on the diasporic contexts of Sweeney's successful career from Brooklyn Boys Prep to Cambridge University UK to Director of The Guggenheim Museum, NY. Her review, with Picture Gallery, of the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection exhibition (Grolier Club, NYC) appears in The Victorian Society in America (March-Apr 08). Her review of Anthony Adolph's (revisionist) biography of Henry (Jermyn), Earl of St Albans, of the Stuart-Villiers circle, ran in Seventeenth-Century News (Fall-Winter 07), with full-page garter portrait of Jermyn by Lely (SCN's first illustrated review). Her double review of Beverly Schneller's Anna Parnell's Political Journalism (Academica 05) and Mary O'Dowd's History of Women in Ireland (Pearson/ Longman 05) appears in Women's History Review (April 08). Most recently, Dr Mulvihill contributed an extended & illustrated critical essay on Mary Shackleton Leadbeater and her Poems (Dublin & London, 1808) to the first-ever textbase Irish Women Poets (Alexander St. Press, VA., Summer 08).

John C. O'Neal (French, Hamilton College, and 2008 NEASECS President) is the editor of The Nature of Rousseau's Rêveries: Physical, Human, Aesthetic, published in SVEC: Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 2008.

Ruth Perry (English, MIT) and Susan Carlile (English, California State University, Long Beach) have co-edited Charlotte Lennox's Henrietta (University of Kentucky Press, 2008). Professor Perry is also the guest editor of a special issue of The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation devoted to "Ballads and Songs in the Eighteenth Century." In that volume, Professor Perry has an article, "Brother Trouble: Murder and Incest in Eighteenth-Century Ballads." She has also published "The Finest Ballads: Women's Oral Traditions in Eighteenth-Century Scotland" in Eighteenth-Century Life (Spring, 2008).

Deborah Ross, (English, Hawaii Pacific University) will have a creative non-fiction piece entitled "Rice Baby" in the next issue of Hawaii Pacific Review.

Norbert Schürer (English, California State University, Long Beach) spent four months in Delhi as a research fellow at the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study, Jawaharlal Nehru University. His project was an examination of visual and textual representations of the island of Jahangira between 1780 and 1850. While in India, he also presented papers at JNU, at the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, and at Lucknow University.

Susan Staves (English, Emerita, Brandeis) gave a talk on "The Learned Female Soprano" at the National Portrait Gallery in London in conjunction with its current exhibition of paintings of "Brilliant Women.".

A review essay titled "Captivity, Liberty, and Early American Consciousness" is forthcoming in Early American Literature by Zabelle Stodola (who publishes as Kathryn Zabelle Derounian-Stodola). The University of Nebraska Press will publish her book The War in Words: Reading the Dakota Conflict through the Captivity Literature in 2009.

Joanne van der Woude has been appointed an assistant professor of English and of Literature and History at Harvard University.

Timothy Walker (History, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth) has been awarded a three month summer fellowship funded by the Luso-American Development Foundation to conduct research at the National Archives of Portugal. He is currently in Lisbon until August 2008. His project involves the transfer of indigenous drugs and medical knowledge from Portuguese colonies to Europe during the Enlightenment.

2006-2007 Treasurer's Report
The following report was submitted by Nancy E. Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer of the Society, and was accepted at the Business Meeting in Hanover, New Hampshire, November 27, 2007.

(September 1, 2007)

Rondout Savings Bank, 330 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401
Checking Account # 0601 13219 9
CD Account # 0102217579
Beginning balance of Total Funds (September 1, 2004) $27,260.47
Beginning Balance, Checking Acct. $17,033.47
   Dues Received to September 1, 2006 (36) 1,720.00
   Interest to September 1, 2006 43.44
    Repayment of Loan for Conference
    at Salem State (November, 2006)
Sub-Total: $3,763.44

   Gift for conference organizers $100.00
   Edna Steeves Prize (2006) 300.00
   John H. O'Neill Bursaries for 2006 (5) 1,250.00
   Website (Maintenance) 150.00
   Check Order (Rondout Savings) 22.35
   Newsletter Printing and Postage 30.12
Sub-Total $ 1,830.12

Net Total (September 1, 2005)

CLOSING BALANCE (Checking account)

Certificate of Deposit

Total NEASECS Funds on Account


Respectfully submitted,
Nancy E. Johnson

Minutes of the NEASECS Business Meeting
October 27, 2007
Alumni Hall
Dartmouth College, Lebanon, New Hampshire

President Anna Battigelli called the NEASECS Business Meeting to order at 8:30 p.m.
  1. The minutes from the November 11, 2006 meeting at Salem State College were approved.
  2. President Battigelli expressed her appreciation to Peter Cosgrove and his team for their excellent work organizing the conference at Dartmouth College.
  3. President Battigelli presented the following election slate for 2008:
  4. Officers:
         John C. O'Neal (French, Hamilton College), President
         John Scanlon (English, Providence College), First Vice President
         Alden Gordon (Art History, Trinity College), Second Vice President
         Anna Battigelli (English SUNY Plattsburgh), Past President

    New Board Members:
         Cassandra Albinson (Art History, Yale), Board Member
         Jennifer Thorn (English, Colby College), Board Member
         Amanda Winkler (Music History, Syracuse University), Board Member

    All of the new officers and board members were approved.

  5. Secretary-Treasurer Nancy Johnson presented the Treasurer's Report. The report was approved.
  6. John Scanlon presented the Edna Steeves Prize to Trevor Speller of SUNY Buffalo.
  7. John O'Neill presented the O'Neill Bursaries (in the amount of $250) to the following students:
         Trevor Speller, SUNY Buffalo
         Zeina Hakim, University of Geneva
         Kimberly Slaughter-White, UCLA
         Melissa Patterson, University of Toronto

  8. President Battigelli announced the sites of future NEASECS meetings.

    2008: The meeting for 2008 will be held in Geneva, New York, October 30 - November 2 and will be sponsored by Hobart and William Smith Colleges. The organizer is Catherine Gallouët..

    2009: The meeting for 2009 will be a joint venture with CSECS (Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies), hosted by Frans de Bruyn of the University of Ottawa.

    2010: The meeting for 2010, which will be organized by Lisa Berglund of Buffalo State, will be held in Buffalo, NY.

  9. President Battigelli presented John O'Neill with a plaque of appreciation for his leadership, devotion, and hard work on behalf of NEASECS. The audience responded with a well-deserved standing ovation.
The meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy E. Johnson

Officers of the Society for 2008
John C. O'Neal
Hamilton College
Editor of Newsletter (elected 1989)
John H. O'Neill
Hamilton College
Past President
Anna Battigelli
SUNY at Plattsburg
First Vice President
J. T. Scanlon
Providence College
Second Vice President
Alden Gordon
Trinity College
(Art History)
Secretary-Treasurer (elected 2005)
Nancy E. Johnson
SUNY at New Paltz
2008 Annual Meeting Chair
Catherine Gallouët
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Elected Members of Executive Board: Elected Term Expires
Arnd Bohm
Carleton University (German)
2005 2008
Dennis Mahoney
University of Vermont (German)
2005 2008
Michael Suarez, S.J.
Fordham University (English)
2005 2008
Julie Hayes
University of Massachusetts (French)
2006 2009
Erik Seeman
SUNY at Buffalo (History)
2006 2009
Catherine Gallouët
Hobart & William Smith Colleges (French)
2006 2009
Casandra Albinson
Yale Center for British Art (Art History)
2007 2010
Jennifer Thorne
Colby College (English)
2007 2010
Amanda Winkler
Syracuse University (Music History)
2007 2010









(Queries and notes also welcome)
Please provide Name, Discipline and Affiliation, Recently published books, articles, etc. (please include bibliographic information)
Return to John H. O'Neill, Department of English, Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Road, Clinton, New York 13323-1292. Or reply by E-Mail to

Online Archive of Newsletters
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October 2006 - View as .pdf
January 2006 - View as .pdf
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March 2005 - View as .pdf